“I’m too old for that”. Words that stop many women over 50 from living a life of joy and fulfilment. The truth is, it’s never too late to try something new.
Societal programming causes women to fear the ageing process. The good news is that thoughts can change the way you experience things, so it’s time to let go of any limiting beliefs that don’t serve you.
Change your career
Perhaps you’re emerging from a life transition, a recent empty nester, or ready for a change from the same industry after many years.
In the digital age, exciting career opportunities offer more flexible ways of working; a new career is totally feasible. Retraining or even studying might be required, but you are worth the investment.
Age does not limit you from joining the clan of women change-makers and trail-blazers. Dame Judi Dench was in her glowing 60’s when she won an Academy Award for best-supporting actress.
Struggling with ideas for a new career path?
Think of what you’ve always wanted to do and what you’re good at, then take action.
Now is the time to realign with your authentic self.
Get in shape.
When you're 50 and over, exercise is vital to maintaining optimum health; it can also increase longevity. Achieving your ideal body is well within reach, even if you’ve never exercised before.
Ernestine Shepherd started aerobics at the age of 56 and has previously held the Guinness world record title for the oldest female competitive bodybuilder.
Don’t know where to start?
Find a sport or exercise that you enjoy, then set yourself realistic targets and stick to them. Be sure to nourish your body with the right foods, and don’t forget to check in with your doctor.
Your negative mind will try to talk you out of taking action towards your health goals, having you believe it’s not worth the effort with no one to impress. You need only do it for yourself; you’ll be amazed by how radiant you feel in your new body.
Make new friends.
As you grow older, you may realise that your friendship group has diminished or is even non-existent. Sometimes, when you’ve dedicated your time to raising a family, friendships are often sacrificed or neglected. Whatever the reason, friendships are essential during your golden years. They are good for your health and could even increase your life span as they help to dispel loneliness and isolation.
When your health improves, so does your sense of well-being; friendships offer much-needed healing.
Wondering how to find a new tribe? Be intentional and put yourself out there. But remember to be a friend to yourself first.
A new hobby
Hitting 50 is a good time to take up a hobby. Enriching activities will keep your mind and body active.
The range of pursuits available includes anything from knitting to windsurfing, the traditional to the eclectic! Now is the time to pursue what you’ve always dreamed of.
Find a few things that interest you and give them a try; stick with the ones that energize and inspire you the most. Pursuing hobbies and interests is a great way to meet like-minded people and develop meaningful friendships with them.
Fall in love with yourself
Many women have drifted through life struggling with self-esteem and self-acceptance, but you can learn to love yourself no matter your age. Take time to learn about yourself and love who you are entirely.
This love might look like investing in yourself via therapy or coaching. Whichever approach you take, commit to loving yourself and treating yourself with kindness. Self-love will energise you and give you that inner glow, your outlook on life will be more positive.
How to love yourself more?
Write positive affirmations that will uplift you and remind you of how wonderful you are. Look in the mirror several times a day and admire the phenomenal woman staring back at you.
Accept the past, and move on. Allow mistakes and still love yourself. Dance, laugh, love and dare to dream.
If you think you can’t, you won’t. Let go of any mental restrictions and start living the life you deserve today.